The widespread use and popularity of consumer loans is due to the ease of obtaining them, which is usually due to the small amount of the loan and its relatively short duration. That is why the number of such loans does not decrease even during the financial crisis, and many banks make retail consumer lending the main focus of their own work. However, not all borrowers use the advantages of loans for consumer needs in full, so it is logical to consider the issue in more detail. A consumer loan is generally understood to be a loan that is issued primarily to individuals for the purchase of any consumer goods or services. By and large, a variety of such loans are even a mortgage or car loan, however, it is considered to be their separate types of lending. The main features of consumer loans are their short duration, which rarely exceeds 1.5-2 years, as well as a small, compared with the already mentioned mortgage and car loan, the amount. Quite often, a consumer loan is issued in the form of installments, when interest on the loan is not actually allocated, being included in the cost of the goods. In this case, the loan is, in fact, issued directly by a retail outlet, not a Bank, not being a full-fledged loan, since there are no formal signs of it in the form of interest for the use of borrowed funds and the conclusion of a loan agreement.
Type of credit
Currently, there are several types of consumer loans that can be classified according to their different parameters:
No-purpose. Such loans are issued in cash or by credit card. An important feature of such loans is a higher interest rate compared to the target, as well as a smaller size of the loan. Despite this, according to many financial analysts and specialists of the banking services market, this type of consumer loans is the most common;
Target. Issued by the Bank for the purchase of a particular product or service. Often the design takes place directly in the store, where the borrower has already picked up the necessary purchase. Often, this type of loan is used to pay for various services, such as treatment or a tourist trip;
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